O objectivo do blog é mostrar e documentar o estilo da comunidade moçambicana para inspirar e mudar a ideia do " vestir bem só no fim de semana ou dia de festa " através de matérias especificas de peças de roupa ou individualidades encontradas na rua ou previamente solicitadas.
Sempre que possivel vista bem e sem limites, as vezes menos é melhor, mas o que é bom para ti nunca é exagerado, tendo homens e mulheres como público alvo. From Moz with Style é um estilo de vida, sinta-se sempre confiante para usar o hashtag #fmws.
Saiba mais de nós:
Mauro França
I was born and raised in Maputo city, Mozambique capital, i don't have older brothers but i lived with a lot of uncles and cousins, the last of them influenced me to make a upgrade in the way i dress, it was like " i wanna be like my big brother " so after that i started to enter in this life and getting deeper and deeper day by day.
There's not much to be told, i love clothes, combinations that you can make with them, i love the results a good look gives in the eyes of the crowd and i would like to see our city more stylist, more people well dressed everyday for any occasion.
So in the last couple of years i started to see the getting dress ritual like an art that need to be studied, and perfected, one of my dreams is to have designer degree, that could help me a bit more. So i like to call me a young man interested in the art of street style, working for my country.