Chegou a época do ano de maior desafio para os todos que praticam a arte de bem vestir. Trata-se da “transição”. Não está quente o suficiente para se fazer presente nas ruas com uns calções, interiores, camisetes, e outras peças com tons claros; como também não está frio o suficiente para se fazer presente com jackets de leather, peças de lã combinada com outras peças de tons escuros. Então, com esta dificuldade como vamos nos vestir.?
Hoje contamos com a participação da Beatriz Duarte, que chamou a nossa atenção nas redes sociais, nas suas actualizações em que se nota que ela sabe o que esta a fazer, com uma certa influencia sul-africana pouco comun para o nosso meio, para ela todos os dias sao para estar no seu melhor..
EN: That difficult time of the year for all those who practice the art of dressing well has arrived- this art that we speak of, is that well known ‘transition’. Currently, it is not hot enough to walk around the streets wearing items of clothing such as shorts, cami tops, t-shirts, and other lightly toned items. However, it is also not cold enough to make items such as leather jackets, combined wool clothing, and other dark toned clothing a daily reliance. Having said this, though, how will we dress?
Today we will take you through this journey with the participation of Beatriz Duarte, that thanks to the social media, she caught our eyes through her updates that depict knowledge in the topic. With a certain South-African influence which is uncommon around us, for her, everyday counts where looking good is concerned…
Na fase da transição o segredo está em apostar na mistura de peças de verão com peças do inverno. Deve-se fazer um bom jogo de cores, por exemplo, usar umas calças de cor viva com um casaco de tom mais escuro. A ideia é não fazer looks totalmente pesados a não ser que o clima exija. Também é possível usar uns calções e combinado com uma cardigan dependendo do que a temperatura pede.
EN: The secret to making it through the transition phase is making that bet where the mix between summer and winter clothes meet. The concept of playing with colors has to be well thought of, for instance, wearing a brightly colored pair of trousers with a slightly darker jacket. Essentially, the idea is not to put together heavy looks- unless the weather allows. It is also possible to wear a pair of shorts with a cardigan- also depending on the weather.
O look da Beatriz é simplesmente " Amazing ", ela consiguiu fazer a combinação perfeita de um tom meio morto e o padrão do casaco que alem de estar em tendência, da vida ao look com a ajuda do lenço e os brincos.
EN: To put it simply, Beatriz’s look is amazing, she managed to perfectly combine a sombre tone with a patterned blazer that is not only in style at the moment, but also brings the outfit to life together with the hair scarf and earrings.
Diogo Nhamposse: este look é
uma boa opção para quem passa a maioria do tempo fora de casa. Nesta fase é
normal sair de casa enquanto faz calor e ao longo do dia ser supreendido com
uma brisa que te faz arrepender da escolha da roupa. O estilo western
proporciona-me uma vantagem na transição.
EN: Diogo Nhamposse: this look is a safe option for those who spend most of their time outdoors. During this time period, it is normal to leave the house when the weather is slightly hot, only for it then to abruptly change and where clothes are concerned; you will not regret your choice. The western style has provided me with an advantage in this transition.
EN: Diogo Nhamposse: this look is a safe option for those who spend most of their time outdoors. During this time period, it is normal to leave the house when the weather is slightly hot, only for it then to abruptly change and where clothes are concerned; you will not regret your choice. The western style has provided me with an advantage in this transition.
estilo western proporciona-me uma vantagem na transição. O poncho tem aberturas
laterais e frontal garantido uma circulação do ar numa temperatura mais alta,
caso a temperatura baixe as aberturas podem ser fechadas enrolando o poncho à
volta do ombro proporcionando mais calor ao corpo.
EN: As previously mentioned, the Western style has provided me with a slightly advantage in this transition. The poncho with arm space and frontal opening guarantees this sense of air flow when the weather is slightly higher, and should it reduce, the frontal opening can be ‘closed’ by wrapping the poncho around my shoulders- hence, providing me with greater warmth.
EN: As previously mentioned, the Western style has provided me with a slightly advantage in this transition. The poncho with arm space and frontal opening guarantees this sense of air flow when the weather is slightly higher, and should it reduce, the frontal opening can be ‘closed’ by wrapping the poncho around my shoulders- hence, providing me with greater warmth.
O cowboy hat, alem do poncho, ajuda a completar o estilo
western (que é tendência para o spring-summer 2015 inspirado no tema Spaghetti
Western Italian Cowboy 1960) e protege contra o sol. A camisete de tom
ligeiramente mais claro diminui o peso do look.
EN: As well as the poncho, the cowboy hat has helped to complement the Western style that I have chosen to go for (this is the SS15 fashion tendency inspired by the 1960 theme of Spaghetti Western Indian Cowboy). The hat also gives protection against the sun and the t-shirt with a slightly lighter colour reduces the heaviness of the whole look.
EN: As well as the poncho, the cowboy hat has helped to complement the Western style that I have chosen to go for (this is the SS15 fashion tendency inspired by the 1960 theme of Spaghetti Western Indian Cowboy). The hat also gives protection against the sun and the t-shirt with a slightly lighter colour reduces the heaviness of the whole look.
EN:Being a pattern lover, I could not leave behind my dear Sneaker Native Inca Pattern Vans, of course with secret socks and a couple of folds on the trousers to give them a more flashy look.
Beatriz Duarte: ainda pequena tomei gosto pela moda, costumava ver minha mãe vestir de um jeito diferente das outras pessoas, pelo facto de já ter passado de muitos paises, e pedia que me vestisse ao jeito dela.
Aos meus 14 anos de idade já comprava minhas roupas pessoalmente e criei meu próprio estilo. Tive muita influência pelo facto de ter nascido e vivido na Africa do Sul, Johannesburg, concretamente em "Soweto". Lá as pessoas adoptam um estilo meio dos anos 70 misturado com o estilo actual, fazendo deste modo um diferencial do estilo popular.
EN: Beatriz Duarte: my interest for fashion began from a young age, I used to see my mother dress differently than other people due to the fact that she had travelled to
a considerable number of countries, hence, I also asked that she dressed me according to her style.
At the age of 14 I was already buying my own clothes and outlining my own style. Having been born and lived in Johannesburg (South Africa)- Soweto to be precise, my fashion sense had a different influence. There, people adopt the slight 70s look mixed with more actual, up to date ideas, making their fashion sense, different from the norm.
Crio as minhas proprias roupas, ou melhor, compro peças tiro e acrescento detalhes! No meu dia-à-dia visto de acordo com a temperatura, por exemplo, pego num casaco (se fizer frio) e vejo com que tonalidades de cores e calçado combina, se fizer calor, idem. Tenho me inspirado também em paginas de moda internacionais.
I create my own clothes, or shall I say, I buy my clothes and add/reduce details where necessary! In my day-to-day life, I dress according to the weather; for example, if it is cold, I carry a jacket with me and from that, see with which tones and footwear it looks good. If it is hot, the procedure is usually the same. International fashion pages also inspire me.
Alguns acham o meu estilo estranho, assim como tem os que
gostam e elogiam pelo facto de ser diferente. Gostava de levar a moda como
profissão, ser uma "Fashion Adviser", mas optei por cursar gestão de
marketing, se calhar a moda será minha segunda opção e associo os dois.
EN: Some find my fashion sense weird, as well as others who like it and compliment it for the mere fact of it being different. I would like to make fashion my profession by being a ‘Fashion Advisor’, but for the meantime, I opted for a Marketing Management degree, maybe fashion will be my second option and I can tie the two together.
EN: Some find my fashion sense weird, as well as others who like it and compliment it for the mere fact of it being different. I would like to make fashion my profession by being a ‘Fashion Advisor’, but for the meantime, I opted for a Marketing Management degree, maybe fashion will be my second option and I can tie the two together.
Mais um look do mais alto nivel, dobrar as calças e
finalisar com um par de Desert Boots nao é so uma opção so para homens, mas as
mulheres também podem fazer desta de vez enquanto para dar um toque refrescante
as nossas ruas.
EN: Another look of the highest level is the folding of the trousers finalised with a pair of desert boots. This option is not only for men, but women can also add a refreshing touch to our streets by opting for them.
EN: Another look of the highest level is the folding of the trousers finalised with a pair of desert boots. This option is not only for men, but women can also add a refreshing touch to our streets by opting for them.
Mauro França: Tratando de transição
preocupei-me em trazer peças que se complementam, a camisola é leve e não
aumenta muito o factor calor dado pela camisa jeans, a combinação inesperada
dos loafers e das “ sporty cuffed pants” acompanhadas das secret socks pois
seria complicado tirar um par de meias na rua e deixar no bolso ( aha ).
EN: Mauro França: Speaking of transition, I was concerned with bringing together pieces that complemented each other. The jumper is light and does not add a lot to the ‘heat factor’ that is already brought by the denim shirt. The combination of the loafers and the sporty cuffed pants is slightly unexpected, and most importantly, secret socks are once again featuring as taking out a pair of socks in the middle of the street would actually be a little difficult (aha).
. EN: Mauro França: Speaking of transition, I was concerned with bringing together pieces that complemented each other. The jumper is light and does not add a lot to the ‘heat factor’ that is already brought by the denim shirt. The combination of the loafers and the sporty cuffed pants is slightly unexpected, and most importantly, secret socks are once again featuring as taking out a pair of socks in the middle of the street would actually be a little difficult (aha).
Moda é algo que temos que viver, podemos mudar o estilo,
mas temos que viver cada fase e podem notar que a #FMWS equipa esta a viver os
padrões, o sport gear e de tempo em tempo vem trazendo aspectos novos.
EN: Fashion is something we ought to live, we can change our style, but we have to live each phase and as you can see, the #FMWS team is in with the patterns, and sport gear, and now and again, bringing new ideas.
EN: Fashion is something we ought to live, we can change our style, but we have to live each phase and as you can see, the #FMWS team is in with the patterns, and sport gear, and now and again, bringing new ideas.
Ainda recordo-me da altura que dizia que não me preocupava com a moda em si e só usava o que achava que ficava bem e bonito, mas felizmente adoptei uma abordagem mais inteligente e harmonica a esse ponto e ao factor importante da actualização das peças, combinações e as actuais tendências. #fmws...
EN: I can still remember the times when I used to say that fashion did not concern me, and I wore what I thought suited me and looked good. Fortunately, though, I adopted a more intelligent approach where that issue is concerned, and to the important factor of keeping up with fashion updates and seasonal tendencies. #fmws…
Localizações: Maputo: Av 25 de Setembro ( edificios do CFM ) e Parque Social da Shomerchield.
Mauro França e Diogo Nhamposse a ideia é inspirar.
Especial agradecimento a Beatriz Duarte, #AyoobaFashionLife!
Visite a pagina oficial no facebook: From Moz With Style
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twitter: @FMWStyle
twitter: @FMWStyle
Fotos por: Jason da Silva (Wonder Photos)
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